Monday, April 9, 2007

Simple Pleasures

When feeling beaten down nothing cures better than:

1. Repeatedly watching snippets of Arrested Development on You Tube, ah.. Mrs Featherbottom.

2. Listening to The Strokes

3. The Fratellis - Flathead

4. Shopping

5. Harrassing friends/family on email while they are at work

6. Talking to my Pnut

7. Beard Papa/brownies/gelato (not all at once)

8. Reading trashy online celeb news

9. Cleaning (clears the mind and quite therapeutic)

10. Sleeping


danglam said...

How about these 3 things (it helped me anyway):

1. Jeff Buckley (Grace album)

2. Family Guy

3. freshly ground coffee and swiss chocolate

yellowFlamingo said...

i like no. 3 the best, unfortunately coffee here is crapola and swiss chocolates are hard to come by. Though there are Godivas peppered around. mmm.. chocolate.

Havent heard of any Jeff Buckley but i'll track some down. And I always <3 the antics of Stewie and Brian.

Thanks for reading and commenting :)

prettyrandomthings said...

#1---> Haha! "OoOooohhh..."
#8---> There's another celeb blog called The Superficial. It doesn't update as often but his comments are really funny.
Might cheer you up when you're feeling crappy hehe :)